
05. June 2024 - 06. June 2000

14. October 2022
Un luogo della memoria tedesco a Roma. Il Museo storico della Liberazione

PD Dr. Lutz Klinkhammer

Meeting point: 16.00, Via Tasso 145 (directly in front of the museum)

Fee: none

Limited number of participants: 15

Please comunicate your binding registration by 10 October 2022 at the following email address: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it
to whom any questions concerning the guided tour may also be addressed.

Guided tour in Italian language

13. October 2022
Martina Bernardi

Insediamento sparso e incastellamento. Indizi di contemporaneità dalle recenti indagini archeologiche nel Lazio
Discussant: Giuseppe Romagnoli


in-house: Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC (Via di S. Eufemia, 13)

11. October 2022
Gli affreschi nell'Aula Gotica del monastero dei Santi Quattro Coronati

Dr. Andreas Rehberg

Meeting point: 9.00, Via dei Santi Quattro, 20 (entrance to the Aula Gotica: under the portico of the first courtyard)

Fee: 10.00 Euro

Limited number of participants: 20
As we are in a monastery, we ask you to dress according to the sacred character of the place. The Aula Gotica is not accessible for people with severe motor disabilities (the visit requires the use of stairs). We ask you to be punctual.

Please comunicate your binding registration by 4 October 2022 at the following email address: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it
to whom any questions concerning the guided tour may also be addressed.

Guided tour in German and Italian language

10. October 2022 - 15. October 2022

Joint studies course of the German Archaeological Institute, Rome Department, the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, and the German Historical Institute in Rome.

07. October 2022
Feierlichkeiten zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum der Heiligsprechung und der Erhebung der hl. Hildegard von Bingen zur Kirchenlehrerin in Rom

Event of the Verein der Freunde des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom e.V. in cooperation with the DHI Rome and the St. Hildegard-Akademie Eibingen e.V. Zentrum für Wissenschaft, Forschung und europäische Spiritualität.

18.00 (church): Eucharistic celebration in honour of St. Hildegard (musical arrangement: Ensemble InUnum with composed chants by Hildegard von Bingen)

19.30 (library): Public lecture by Sr. Dr. Maura Zátonyi OSB: "Die doppelte Bewunderung. Hildegard von Bingen und die Päpste", followed by: book presentation "Das große Hildegard von Bingen Lesebuch. Worte wie von Feuerzungen", ed. by Maura Zátonyi, Freiburg: Herder Verlag 2022.

Event language: German

Download Programme (PDF, 4.028 KB)

Rome, S. Maria dell'Anima (Via S. Maria dell'Anima, 64)

05. October 2022 - 07. October 2022
Il Regno, il Principato, l'Adriatico (secc. XII–XV)

International research meeting in memory of Andreas Kiesewetter, organised by the Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" and the Università del Salento, under the patronage of the German Historical Institute in Rome.

Information about programme and registration

29. September 2022 - 30. September 2022
Krise und Aufbruch. Das Zeitalter des Investiturstreites jenseits des Investiturstreites

Workshop of the eponymous German-Italian DFG-funded network.

Internal event

German Historical Institute in Rome

27. September 2022
Connected Crusaders. Expert Knowledge and the Plans for the Recovery of the Holy Land (1291–1336)

Speaker: Gion Wallmeyer (Duisburg-Essen)
Discussants: Paula Maria de Carvalho Pinto Costa (Porto), Antonio García Espada (Madrid)

Event within the framework of the second seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.



Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and informationen on the event format

Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf


26. September 2022
Europa im Widerstand – Widerstand gegen Europa

Event of the Max Weber Foundation and the research group "(De)Constructing Europe – EU-Scepticism in European Integration History". In this joint project, the German Historical Institutes in Rome, London and Warsaw work together with the Hamburg Institute for Social Research on questions of European integration.

Event languages: English, German

Futurium, Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin

Download Programme

Please register by 23 September 2022 by e-mail: veranstaltungen[at]maxweberstiftung[dot]de. Indicate whether you would like to attend the entire programme, only the MWS-Europe-Lab or the panel discussion. Admission is free.

14. September 2022
Ilyas Azouzi

Impero and Razza. Urbanistica coloniale and the Rhetoric of Racial Segregationism in Fascist Italy.

German Historical Institute in Rome


For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.

Please register for in-person or online attendance
