Repertorium Germanicum
Catalogue of people, churches and territories of the Kingdom of Germany mentioned in the papal registers between the Great Schism and the Reformation
The Repertorium Germanicum is a collection of regesta which concern the people, churches and places of the German Kingdom mentioned in the various series of Vatican registers and in cameral sources. It covers the period between the Great Schism and the Reformation (1378–1517). The information is kept in a database, which can be consulted online, and in hard copy. From these largely unique Roman archive materials emerges the multiform framework of the late medieval church, its religious and canonical-juridical foundations, economic mechanisms, personal networks, territorial and dynastic references, as well as its political ambitions, spiritual profile and daily life. Volume 10 on Pope Sixtus IV, published in 2018, runs through till 1484. Meanwhile, work on the subsequent pontificate of Pope Innocent VIII has reached the second half of the 1480s.
Further Information
Unless otherwise specified, the volumes are still available commercially and can be ordered through libraries, or bought from the following publishers: Volumes 1–1,3 as reprints of volumes originally published by Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin) at Georg Olms Verlag/Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung; from volume 4,4 at De Gruyter.
10: Sixtus IV. (1471–1484)
Part 1: Text, ed. by Ulrich Schwarz, Juliane Trede, Stefan Brüdermann, Thomas Bardelle, Kerstin Rahn, Hubert Höing, Michael Reimann and Sven Mahmens, Berlin-Boston 2018 (3 vols., XCVIII, 2386 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, ed. by Sven Mahmens, Hubert Höing, Alexander Maul, Ludwig Schmugge and Jörg Voigt, Berlin-Boston 2018 (3 vols., XVI, 2179 pp.).
9: Paul II. (1464–1471)
ed. by Hubert Höing, Heiko Leerhoff and Michael Reimann.
Part 1: Text, Tübingen 2000 (LXXVII, 926 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, Tübingen 2000 (XIII, 981 pp.).
8: Pius II. (1458–1464)
Part 1: Text, ed. by Dieter Brosius and Ulrich Scheschkewitz, Tübingen 1993 (LXVII, 836 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, ed. by Karl Borchardt, Tübingen 1993 (XI, 900 pp.).
7: Calixt III. (1455–1458)
ed. by Ernst Pitz.
Part 1: Text, Tübingen 1989 (XXXVII, 329 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, Tübingen 1989 (IX, 362 pp.).
6: Nikolaus V. (1447–1455)
Part 1: Text, ed. by Josef Friedrich Abert and Walter Deeters, Tübingen 1985 (XLIV, 613 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, ed. by Michael Reimann, Tübingen 1989 (XIV, 643 pp.).
5: Eugen IV. (1431–1447)
Part 1: Text, ed. by Hermann Diener (†) and Brigide Schwarz. Editing: Christoph Schöner, Tübingen 2004 (3 vols., CXLIV, 1677 pp.).
Part 2: Indices, ed. by Christoph Schöner, Tübingen 2004 (3 vols., XXX, 1712 pp.).
4: Martin V. (1417–1431)
Part 1 (A–H), ed. by Karl August Fink, Berlin 1943 (X pp., 1492 cols.). Reprint Hildesheim 2000.
Part 2 (I, J, Y), ed. by Karl August Fink, Berlin 1957 (IV pp., cols. 1493–2568). Reprint Hildesheim 2000.
Part 3 (L–Z), ed. by Karl August Fink, Berlin 1958 (IV pp., cols. 2569–3824). Reprint Hildesheim 2000.
Part 4: Personenregister, ed. by Sabine Weiss, Tübingen 1979 (LXVI, 750 pp.).
Part 5: Indices der Ortsnamen (in preparation).
3: Alexander V., Johann XXIII., Konstanzer Konzil (1409–1417)
ed. by Ulrich Kühne, Berlin 1935 (VIII, 48 pp., 704 cols.). Reprint Hildesheim 1991.
2: Urban VI., Bonifaz IX., Innocenz VII. und Gregor XII. (1378–1415)
Part 1: Einleitung und Regesten, ed. by Gerd Tellenbach, Berlin 1933–38 (96 pp., 1434 cols.). Reprint Hildesheim 2000.
Part 2: Personenregister, ed. by Gerd Tellenbach, Berlin 1938 (IV pp., 578 cols.). Reprint Hildesheim 2000.
Part 3: Ortsregister, ed. by Hermann Diener, Berlin 1961 (VIII, 242 pp.). (out of print, reprint in preparation)
1: Clemens VII. von Avignon (1378–1394)
ed. by Emil Göller, Berlin 1916 (XVI, 182, 250 pp.). Reprint Hildesheim 1991.
Repertorium Germanicum. Regesten aus den päpstlichen Archiven zur Geschichte des Deutschen Reichs und seiner Territorien im XIV. und XV. Jahrhundert
1: Pontificat Eugens IV. (1431–1447), ed. by Robert Arnold, in collaboration with Johannes Haller, Josef Kaufmann, Jean Lulvès, Berlin: Bath 1897 (LXXIX, 677 pp.) [out of print].