20. November 2019
Title: Cum honore maximo tumulatus – Grablegen und Grabinschriften der Päpste des Mittelalters im Petersdom

Dr. Christian A. Neumann and Dr. Wolf Zöller

Meeting point: 9.30, Obelisk on St. Peter's Square

Fee: 5,- Euro (Museo del Tesoro)

Limited number of participants: 15
Please wear comfortable shoes and suitable clothing for the cooler rooms. Take care not to carry any dangerous objects (e.g. pocket knives) with you, as access to the Vatican City requires a safety check.

Please comunicate your binding registration by 30 October 2019 at the following email address: gerken[at]dhi-roma.it.

If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Christian A. Neumann or Dr. Wolf Zöller: neumann[at]dhi-roma.it; wolf.zoeller@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de.

Guided tour in German language