
24. September 2024 - 25. September 2000

12. December 2019
Deborah Howard (University of Cambridge)

Voices from Heaven. Singing from on High in Venetian Churches in the Cinquecento.

Keynote Lecture in the context of the conference "Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period".

German Historical Institute in Rome


For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

11. December 2019

In the context of the conference "Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period".

Florian Bassani (Bern) | Christian Rohrbach (Mainz)
La musica policorale a Roma nella prima età moderna

Barock Vokal – College for Ancient Music at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz
Musica vespertina a doppio coro del primo Seicento romano: Francesco Severi, Domenico e Virgilio Mazzocchi

Rome, Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova)


11. December 2019 - 14. December 2019
Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period

International conference of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in collaboration with the Music History Department of the German Historical Institute in Rome.

Contact: Markus Engelhardt, Klaus Pietschmann, Tobias C. Weißmann

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, German Historical Institute in Rome, Palazzo Apostolico, Santa Maria in Vallicella

Download Programme (PDF, 569 Kb), Poster (PDF, 572 Kb)

For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

06. December 2019
Seminar of Medieval History

Seminar on the status and perspectives of research on the Middle Ages at the DHI Rome, directed by: Prof. Dr. Petra Schulte (Universität Trier) e Prof. Dr. Martin Baumeister (DHI Rome).

Internal event

German Historical Institute in Rome

05. December 2019
L'Italia come fulcro della politica di Massimiliano I e Carlo V

Double Presentation
Tobias Daniels (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Maria Antonietta Visceglia (Sapienza Università di Roma)

Followed by a lute concert with music from the Time of Maximilian I.

Organised by the Austrian Historical Institute and the German Historical Institute in Rome.

Austrian Historical Institute in Rome


Further information

Registration is required by 20 November 2019 at the following email address: iannuzzi[at]oehirom.it

03. December 2019 - 04. December 2019
The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean

International conference of the Università degli Studi di Milano and the Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz (IEG), in collaboration with the German Historical Institute in Rome and the Villa Vigoni – German-Italian Centre for European Excellence.

Contact: Silvia Salvatici, Johannes Paulmann

Download Programme (PDF, 423 Kb), Poster (PDF, 249 Kb)

Milan, Università degli Studi di Milano

28. November 2019 - 29. November 2019
Das Reichsinstitut für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde 1935 bis 1945 – ein "Kriegsbeitrag der Geisteswissenschaften"?

Symposium, organised by the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) and the German Historical Institute in Rome.

Contact: Annette Marquard-Mois

German Historical Institute in Rome

Programme; Download PDF; Conference report

For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

21. November 2019 - 23. November 2019
Weimar. Modernità e democrazia | Modernität und Demokratie in Europa (1919–1933)

International conference of the SISCALT (Società Italiana per la Storia Contemporanea dell'Area di Lingua Tedesca), in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Jean Monnet (European Centre, University of Trento), the Università degli Studi di Trento, promoted by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Via S. Croce, 77 – Trento)

Further information and programme

20. November 2019
Cum honore maximo tumulatus – Grablegen und Grabinschriften der Päpste des Mittelalters im Petersdom

Dr. Christian A. Neumann and Dr. Wolf Zöller

Meeting point: 9.30, Obelisk on St. Peter's Square

Fee: 5,- Euro (Museo del Tesoro)

Limited number of participants: 15
Please wear comfortable shoes and suitable clothing for the cooler rooms. Take care not to carry any dangerous objects (e.g. pocket knives) with you, as access to the Vatican City requires a safety check.

Please comunicate your binding registration by 30 October 2019 at the following email address: gerken[at]dhi-roma.it.

If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Christian A. Neumann or Dr. Wolf Zöller: neumann[at]dhi-roma.it; wolf.zoeller@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de.

Guided tour in German language

20. November 2019
Markus Laufs

Gefangen zwischen Präliminarien und gutem Willen? Päpstliche und
niederländische Friedensvermittlung auf den Kongressen von Münster
(1643–1649) und Nijmegen (1676–1679) im Vergleich.

German Historical Institute in Rome

