Jens Späth, Wie umgehen mit Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus? Erfahrungen, Erwartungen und Erinnerungen italienischer, deutscher und französischer Sozialisten 1919 – um 1960

Die vielschichtigen Erfahrungen, Erwartungen und Erinnerungen italienischer, deutscher und französischer Sozialistinnen und Sozialisten stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie. Sie nimmt das Spannungsfeld von Diktatur und Demokratie...   

Stefan Laffin, Unter alliierter Besatzung. Das lange Ende des Krieges in Süditalien, 1943–1947

This study analyses the military administration established by the US and Great Britain in Sicily, Calabria, and Campania from summer 1943. It identifies the goals, tasks, and practices carried out by the occupying forces, as...   

Menschen in ihrer Gegenwart. Die Fülle spätmittelalterlichen Lebens im Spiegel der Apostolischen Pönitentiarie

This volume of selected essays by Arnold Esch and Ludwig Schmugge, the fruit of over thirty years of research, deals with sources from the archives of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Catholic Church's supreme tribunal of...   

Cecilia Molesini, Frammenti di Heimat. Storia emotiva degli espulsi tedeschi (1945–1974)

After its defeat in the Second World War, Germany lost the regions of Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia to Poland and the Soviet Union. A part of the Germans living in these territories had already fled the advance of the Red...   

Alessandro Scarlatti. Das kompositorische Schaffen

Sicilian-born composer Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) worked mainly in Rome and Naples, with great success. His music was also appreciated in other parts of Italy, and Scarlatti's varied and extensive oeuvre had a formative...   

QFIAB 103 (2023)

Now published and fully available in Open Access   

Giovanni Pacini, Gli Arabi nelle Gallie

"The most prolific and perhaps the most imaginative of the Italian masters, the author of a hundred operas, who was, in the early stages of his career, Rossini's competitor; the tireless emulator of Bellini and Donizetti,...