"Europe" and the Society of Jesus: Jesuit Innovations in Higher Education and the Challenge of Sociopolitical Modernization in Spain and Italy (1975 - 2013)
Dr. Carl Antonius Lemke Duque
The topic of the research-project covers the challenging process of "Europeanization" of the Jesuit Order in Spain and Italy. The scientific focus aims at the Impulses of Innovation of the Society of Jesus in Higher Education regarding particularly the exchange of new concepts and ideas between Spanish and Italian Jesuits and their European brothers and colleagues. The object of analysis of the research-project consists in the ...
Alter, Gebrechlichkeit und Pflege. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Expansion in Westdeutschland, Großbritannien und Italien seit 1945
Dr. Nicole Kramer
Die Studie untersucht die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Pflegepolitik als Teil wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Expansion. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Großbritannien und Italien dienen als Konkretisierungen der Analyse. In den komparatistischen Ansatz werden Fragen nach Perzeption und Transfer, z.B. nach dem Einfluss zwischenstaatlicher Organisationen bei der Entwicklung von Lösungsansätzen oder der grenzübergreifenden Diskussion wissenschaftlicher ...
(De)constructing Mediterranean Europe. Italian Farmers Facing the EEC's Southern Enlargement (1970s–1980s)
Dr. Antonio Carbone
Immediately after its launch in 1962, the EEC's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) turned out to be quite unfavorable for the agriculture of Mediterranean regions: whereas "continental" farm goods were subsidized, Mediterranean products enjoyed only tariff protection. Initially underestimated, this disadvantage proved to be substantial as the CAP became the most expensive item in the EEC budget. An important opportunity to ...
Der Futurismus und die Avantgarden im Europa der Zwanziger und Dreißiger Jahre. Italien, Frankreich und Deutschland
Dr. Monica Cioli
Das Forschungsvorhaben rekonstruiert die transnationalen Netzwerke zwischen dem italienischen Futurismus und anderen Avantgarden in Italien, Frankreich und Deutschland in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Dabei stehen nicht primär kunsthistorische Perspektiven oder die Frage nach dem Einfluss der Politik auf die Kunst im Vordergrund. Das Projekt geht vielmehr von der Annahme aus, dass die Kunst selbst ein Feld der politischen Kommunikation darstellt und ...
Der Wandel der weiblichen Sexualität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Italien während der 60er, 70er und 80er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Fiammetta Balestracci
Bei dem Projekt geht es um die Veränderungen, denen die weibliche Sexualität während der im Titel genannten Jahrzehnte in den beiden europäischen Ländern im Spiegel der öffentlichen Darstellung, der sozialen Praxis und des Wertesystems unterworfen war. Dabei soll geprüft werden, ob die Vorstellungen und Erfahrungen damals in einem solchen Maße beeinflusst wurden, dass es auf ethischer Ebene zu einem dauerhaften Kontinuitätsbruch kam. Die These ...
The Simultaneity of the Non-simultaneous. Chronotopos and Chronopolitics
Dr. Fernando Esposito
Time is not only the most important category of history, it also has a history of its own. The project aims to tell the history of time and to contribute to the theory of historical times. It explores the historical-theoretical formula of the "simultaneity of the non-simultaneous" and delves into its changes, structure, and function. In terms of time, the study spans a broad time frame, from the recent present to the late Enlightenment ...
De(constructing) Europe – Euroscepticism in the History of European Integration
Joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The research project embeds the ideal of cohesion in the European Union with the history of scepticism towards Europe. On the one hand, this scepticism has conditioned and been an obstacle to European unification from the outset; on the other, it has created its own forms of cohesion at a European level. While the field of research is currently dominated by political science, with a focus on the recent past, this project combines historical, ...
European Counter-Movements. Eurosceptic Entanglements from the Beginnings of European Integration to the Present Day
Andrea Carlo Martinez M.Phil.
My research project aims to map out the development of 'Euroscepticism' in Italy during the post-war period. According to the common historical and popular narrative, Italy represents a traditionally pro-European country which "fell out of love" with European institutions, a process that can be traced back to the Treaty of Maastricht, having gained speed in the 2010s as a result of the Eurozone and migration crises.
Evidence from ...
Ferdinand Gregorovius: Poetry and Science. Collected German and Italian Letters
Dr. Angela Steinsiek (together with Prof. Dr. Martin Baumeister)
Ferdinand Gregorovius lived in Rome for more than 20 years, where he wrote his main work, the Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter, which in 1876 made him an honorary citizen of Rome. In addition to his historiographical and literary oeuvre he has left several thousand letters in which he, a contemporary witness, sheds light on Italian and German history of science as well as on politics and culture of the 19th century. On the basis of ...
The History of the German Research and Culture Institutes in Rome (20th century)
A cooperative project
The four German foreign institutes based in Rome – the German Archaeological Institute, the German Historical Institute, the Bibliotheca Hertziana and Villa Massimo – have initiated a research project which will examine cross institutional history against the backdrop of major political and societal upheavals in the first half of the twentieth century (1918–1960). Rome will play a vital role in this shared history of the German foreign ...
Imperien im Krieg. Der Zweite Weltkrieg aus transimperialer und (post)kolonialer Perspektive
PD Dr. Daniel Hedinger
Der Zweite Weltkrieg war ein Kampf zwischen Imperien, ein Krieg um Imperien und um die Frage, welche imperiale Ordnung die Welt dominieren sollte. Doch sind wir daran gewöhnt, den Weltkrieg primär als einen Konflikt zwischen einzelnen Nationalstaaten zu verstehen. Die Hartnäckigkeit, mit der sich solche Lesarten halten, erstaunt vor allem dann, wenn wir einen Blick auf die Geschichtsschreibung zum Ersten Weltkrieg werfen: Hier haben sich im ...
War diary of the German General to the Italian Eighth Army High Command – Italian edition
Dr. Gerhard Kuck (in collaboration with PD Dr. Thomas Schlemmer)
The war diary of the German General to the Italian Eighth Army High Command gains its importance from the fact that the war diary of the Italian Army High Command had gone missing. Although until recently numerous studies in Italy have been dealing with the Italian participation in the "Operation Barbarossa", the German invasion of the Soviet Union, little attention has been paid to the relevant German sources. Only the minor part of ...
Global Rural Development
Dr. Andreas Stucki
The research project aims at analyzing professional careers and networks in rural development. International organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) were and are hubs of information and knowledge transfer and places of knowledge production. The work in the FAO archives as well as in the David Lubin Memorial Library in Rome will therefore contribute to reveal the global circulation of expert ...
Moderne, Nation und Tod. Eine deutsch-italienische Kulturgeschichte der Feuerbestattung im 19. Jahrhundert
Dr. Carolin Kosuch
1876 wurde in Mailand das erste Krematorium des neuzeitlichen Europa in Betrieb genommen. Nur zwei Jahre später konnte nicht zuletzt durch die Bemühungen eines Feuerbestattungsvereins der Bau einer zweiten Anlage im thüringischen Gotha fertig gestellt werden. Die Koinzidenz dieser Ereignisse ist nicht zufällig, sondern führt direkt in die Geschichte der beiden "verspäteten Nationen" Italien und Deutschland. Das Projekt hatte zum Ziel, ...
States of Emergency in Transnational Perspective. Politics, Ideas, and Mentalities in Europe and its Colonies, c. 1800–1960
Dr. Amerigo Caruso
The multiple crises of the twenty-first century have brought into sharper focus emergency politics and the surrounding debates. However, this field remains a domain of political science, philosophy, and jurisprudence, whereas the practice and theory of emergency politics has not received the same degree of scholarly attention among historians. Most of the existing research focuses on national experiences, especially on the use and abuse of ...
History and Translation in the German-Italian Linguistic Area during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Dr. Gerhard Kuck
In the beginning of the 20th century the number of translations increased considerably both in the literary and – in the broadest sense – non-fictional field and did not even diminish during the period of Fascism and National Socialism. The project is aimed essentially at studying this period and primarily the field of non-fictional essays, the translation of which until now, in contrast to literary works, has been largely neglected. In the ...