"In Farben gezeichnet". Orchestration and Form in Early Nineteenth-Century Symphonies and Overtures between Germany and Italy
Dr. Federica Di Gasbarro
In the late 17th century art theorists were engaged in a lively dispute over the relationship between drawing and colour, some challenging the prevailing view that line, as the essential expression of an idea, was primarily responsible for the perception of form, while colour was merely an ornamental addition. The famous Querelle du coloris emerged much later in the field of music. In the mid-19th century, the opinion prevailed that ...
Role and Influence of Impresarios. Premises of Italian Opera Performances in the 18th Century
PD Dr. Richard Erkens
On the one hand, the research project focuses on the figure of the impresario and its influence on the historical developments of opera, on the other hand it refers to changing operatic topography in pre-revolutionary Italy, characterized by centre and periphery networks. Although the group of people who assumed the function of impresarios in the 18th century could not be more heterogeneous, the scope of their activity and thus their influence ...
Conceptual history of music. Basic concepts of vocal music in terminological discourse
PD Dr. Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort
The fact that the designation of a subject and the subject itself influence each other in the formation of conceptual content, and that both strands of development are inextricably linked, adds a great deal to the fascination of conceptual history. The subject matter of the conceptual history of a discipline is to crystallise the process of the historical development of its technical terms. To analyse the contexts condensed in the technical ...
Myths and Monuments of the Nation. 'Early Music' in Italy between Unità and fascismo
Prof. Dr. Carolin Krahn
To what extent was the concept of 'early Italian music' shaped as some form of national reference point in the period between the political unification of Italy and the end of the fascist regime? How did this affect the repertories and representations of Italian musical traditions? Using these questions as starting point, the research project focuses on the idea of 'early music' and its practical usage in the period from 1861 to 1943.
The ...
Topoi der Friedensrepräsentation in der italienischen Kantate (17.–18. Jahrhundert)
Dr. Chiara Pelliccia
Von den italienischen Musikgattungen hat die Kantate zusammen mit der Oper im Europa des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts weiteste Verbreitung gefunden, was zweifellos damit zusammenhing, dass die italienische Halbinsel im Verlauf ihrer politischen Geschichte der Herrschaft und/oder der Einflusssphäre verschiedener, oftmals miteinander in Konflikt stehender fremder Mächte unterworfen war. Deshalb bietet die italienische Kantate einen privilegierten ...