CfP: Italia(ni) oltre i confini. Italienerinnen und Italiener außerhalb der italienischen Staatenwelt vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert (19–21 June 2025)
Please submit proposals for papers with an abstract (of max. 1 page) and brief bio-bibliographical information (not to exceed 10 lines) by 14 March 2025 by email to: jens[dot]spaeth[at]uni-saarland[dot]de.
23rd Conference of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Neueste Geschichte Italiens" (Study Group for Contemporary Italian History) in collaboration with the German Historical Institute in Rome.
19–21 June 2025, Villa Lessing, Saarbrücken
Millions of Italians have spent more or less significant parts of their lives outside the Apennine Peninsula for a wide variety of reasons, and not just since 1860. This fact is completely forgotten, and little researched, today. This group of people is the focus of the planned conference, which will take up several recent and current trends in historical, cultural and social science studies, such as migration, cultural belonging and identity, colonial history and the memory of it, global history, political exile and economic emigration, but also classical topics relating to Italians living outside Italy, e.g. diplomacy, trade, warfare and seafarers, art and science.