Reports sent by the Apostolic Nuncio Cesare Orsenigo from Germany between 1930 and 1939

In collaboration with the Kommission für Zeitgeschichte Bonn and the Archivio Segreto Vaticano directed by Thomas Brechenmacher
The digital edition of the reports sent by the Apostolic Nuncio Cesare Orsenigo from Germany between 1930 and 1939, edited by Thomas Brechenmacher, has been online since 2009. It is an editorial project carried out by DHI Roma in cooperation with the Kommission für Zeitgeschichte of Bonn and the Vatican Secret Archives. For the first time, the intention is to publish, if possible, the whole corpus of the Nuncio's reports sent in the 1930s from ...
British Envoys to Germany (1816–1866) and British Envoys to the Kaiserreich (1871–1897)
Digital Index
The two editorial series consist of official dispatches written for the Foreign Office by British envoys to the German States in the 19th century, covering the period from the Vienna Congress in 1815 to the dissolution of the German Confederation (Deutscher Bund) in 1866 and from the foundation of the German Kaiserreich in 1871 to 1897. All dispatches have been transcribed and annotated for the first time. The selection presents the main ...
German-speaking Pilgrims in Rome at Goethe's Time

Reconstruction and Digital Edition of a Lost Source
Along with the Campo Santo Teutonico, Santa Maria dell'Anima has been a hub for pilgrims from north of the Alps or the Holy Roman Empire, ever since the late Middle Ages. Finding food and shelter there for up to three nights on average, the pilgrims' names were registered in the respective books. Until very recently, one of these books for the time from 1778 to 1819, with most entries from the 1780s, was available for consultation. Meanwhile, ...
"MUSICI"-Project, financed by DFG and ANR

European musicians in Venice, Rome and Naples (1650–1750): Music, national identities and cultural exchange
In the 17th and 18th century, the musical cultures of Venice, Rome and Naples attracted numerous European musicians, in search of a musical education or to study the Italian style. Some of them established themselves as permanent residents in the three cities. The research project examined and compared the position of European musicians in Venetian, Roman and Neapolitan musical life. Researching the aesthetic, social and political conditions ...
Eugenio Pacelli

Critical online edition of the uncial records 1917‒1929
Eugenio Pacelli, better known as Pope Pius XII (1939-1958), is one of the most controversial personalities of the 20th century due to his “silence” on the Holocaust. As early as when he was nuncio in Germany from 1917 to 1929 he co-determined the Vatican’s politics in Germany, Europe and the world.
In the online-edition, the nuncial reports Pacelli sent to various Vatican congregations (the drafts as well as the final versions), the ...
Georg Wilhelm Schimper – In Abyssinia. Obesrvations on Tigre

Open access on-line edition. Co-operative project by the British Library, the German Historical Institute London, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
The German Georg Wilhelm Schimper was one of the foremost nineteenth-century botanists specialising on Northern Africa. He spent most of his life in what is now Ethiopia, collecting and describing plants, their habitats and the ways they were used by the local people. Like his famous relative, the Strasbourg-born botanist Andreas Franz Wilhelm Schimper, Georg Wilhelm Schimper was a forerunner of modern plant ecology.
Schimper wrote an ...
Corpus of Inscriptions in Santa Maria dell'Anima

Part 1: From the Middle Ages to 1559, Part 2: 1560 to 2025
A commented edition of 120 inscriptions from the Middle Ages to Early Modern Time (until the year 1559), this project publishes parts of the inscriptions of the church Santa Maria dell'Anima and the adjoining buildings of a former pilgrims' hospital which is now a priests' college. Furthermore, the appendix shows 15 antique inscriptions, which originated elsewhere and were mounted in the college’s inner courtyard in the middle of the 1870s.
La prigionia dimenticata

Racconti e testimonianze dei deportati politici e degli internati militari in Germania e in Francia (1940–2010)
A partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Novanta abbiamo assistito all'emergere di un forte dibattito storiografico incentrato sui temi della politica di occupazione nazista e sui crimini di guerra commessi nel corso del conflitto 1939–1945. Il mutato clima internazionale post-guerra fredda, seguito al crollo del Muro di Berlino nel novembre 1989, ha imposto una seria valutazione delle "eredità del passato", obbligando a riflettere sui ...
Libretti of the Music History Department of the German Historical Institute in Rome

Retro-conversion and Digital Imaging of the Libretti-Collection
Financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and executed in cooperation with the DHI Rome and the Bavarian State Library in Munich, the project aims at a digitisation of the Music History Department’s Libretti-Collection. In 1979, the DFG had made ...
Michael Kardinal von Faulhaber

Critical online edition of the diaries of Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber 1911–1952
As bishop of Speyer (1911–1917), archbishop of Munich and Freising (1917–1952), cardinal (since 1922) and chairman of the Freising Bishops' Conference, Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber forged the history of the Catholic Church in years of great upheavals, from the time of the Empire, the Weimar Republic and the Second World War until the period of occupation and the first years of the German Federal Republic.
Faulhaber regularly kept a diary, ...
Pauper Letters and Petitions for Poor Relief in Germany and Great Britain, 1770–1914

Digital Edition
For over two decades historical research has shown a new and stronger interest in life testimonies (ego-documents) of the lower classes, i.e. of people who could not, or normally did not, write, especially about themselves. In this context a type of source has met with increasing interest in in recent years, namely, letters, applications, and petitions written by or for paupers to their home parish in order to apply for relief. This project ...