Stefan Esders/Massimiliano Bassetti/Wolfgang Haubrichs, Verwaltete Treue. Ein Verzeichnis vereidigter Personen aus dem Norden des regnum Italiae zur Zeit Ludwigs II.
The interdisciplinary study investigates a list (breve) recording the names of 174 sworn men, which was entered at the end of a legal manuscript that originated in northern Italy in the early 9th century and is kept today in the monastery of St. Paul in Carinthia. A paleographic and codicological examination reveals that the codex originated in the monastery of Bobbio, and the prosopographic, onomastic and historical research has shown that the directory contained therein was situated in western Emilia, where its recording was occasioned by the mobilisation of troops for a campaign led by King Louis II of Italy in 847 against the Saracens in southern Italy, who had recently plundered Rome. The analysis of the manuscript and the list it contains provide valuable insights, unusual in their depth and precision, into the socio-historical preconditions of Carolingian rule over northern Italy, the composition of its population, the jurisdiction and legislation of this region, which was characterised by legal plurality, the production of ecclesiastical and secular legal manuscripts, and the existing military organisational structures in the face of a serious external threat.
Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom
148: Stefan Esders/Massimiliano Bassetti/Wolfgang Haubrichs, Verwaltete Treue. Ein Verzeichnis vereidigter Personen aus dem Norden des regnum Italiae zur Zeit Ludwigs II., Berlin-Boston 2024 (XIII, 403 pp.), ISBN 978-3-11-137286-0.