
Opportunities (jobs and scholarships), MIDDLE AGES

Postdoc Fellowship in Medieval Studies

The German Historical Institute in Rome, the École française de Rome and the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo are jointly offering a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of medieval studies for a period of 12 months (2025/2026). A renewal is possible.

Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2025 via the DHI  ...   

Opportunities (jobs and scholarships)

Research Grants

As part of its mission, the German Historical Institute in Rome awards scholarships for the training of young academics in the fields of history and music history. The DHI Rome offers various programmes within the framework of its more

Opportunities (jobs and scholarships)

Internships at the DHI Rome

Every year, the German Historical Institute in Rome awards several six-week internships to students of history, music history and Digital Humanities mainly of higher semesters, whose studies are focused on the field of German-Italian relations or Italian history.
The application deadline for the period July to December 2025 is 28 February 2025.

Applications are accepted exclusively in our   ...   

The interdisciplinary study investigates a list (breve) recording the names of 174 sworn men, which was entered at the end of a legal manuscript that originated in northern Italy in the early 9th century and is kept today in the monastery of St. Paul in Carinthia. A paleographic and codicological examination reveals that the codex originated in the monastery of Bobbio, and the prosopographic, onomastic and historical research  ...   

La cooperazione tra la Santa Sede e Washington per il contenimento del comunismo e l'assunzione di compiti caritatevoli e di assistenza da parte di sacerdoti e vescovi degli Stati Uniti hanno portato alcuni di loro ad assumere ruoli significativi nella diplomazia papale alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Tra questi, Mons. Walter S. Carroll nella Segreteria di Stato vaticana (1940–1950), Mons. Aloisius Joseph Muench in  ...   

New Release

QFIAB 104 (2024)

The latest volume 104 of our journal "Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken" is now published and fully available in Open Access:   



We are pleased about your interest in our institute, stay in touch with us! Our newsletter provides you with information on upcoming events, applications, new research projects and recent publications of the DHI Rome.  Here you can read the current edition (German)  ...   

We provide a reproduction service to all of our external readers within the framework of copyright law.   

This year we are retro-digitising volumes 1 (1898) to 37 (1957) of our journal "Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken". We are endeavouring to inform the authors or their legal successors also in this way via our Institute website and to draw attention to possibilities of objection. Here you can find  ...