Andrea Carlo Martinez M.Phil.
Visiting Scholar project De(constructing) Europe – Euroscepticism in the History of European Integration

+39 06 66049257

Andrea Carlo Martinez holds a BA degree from the University of Oxford (2015–2018), where he studied Theology and Religion and graduated with a thesis on the women of the early Protestant Reformation. He went on to complete a Master's degree (MPhil) in International Relations and Politics at the University of Cambridge (2019–2020), focusing his research into a dissertation comparing British and Italian Euroscepticism. From January to April 2021 he worked as a Political Affairs intern at the United Nations Department of Peace Operations in New York. April 2021 saw him start his PhD studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, resuming his research on the history of Italian Euroscepticism and joining the German Historical Institute in Rome. The title of the project is European Counter-Movements. Eurosceptic Entanglements from the Beginnings of European Integration to the Present Day. Alongside his academic work, he is also active as a journalist for publications such as TIME magazine, The Independent, The Times, Euronews and HuffPost, among others, where he writes about socio-political and historical issues.

Main Research Interests
Euroscepticism; European (specifically Italian and British) political history; nationalism and radical right-wing movements; Holocaust history