Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe | Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie
In this online series, monographs, collective volumes and scientific editions on the history of Italy and Italian music as well as on the history of Italian-German relations in trans-regional and transnational contexts, are published in various languages, covering the time frame between the Middle Ages to recent past. To ensure quality, we use a double blind peer review.
Since volume 4, our series has been published by Heidelberg University Publishing in print and open access. In addition, all volumes are accessible on the publication platform
Prof. Dr. Alexander Koller, koller[at]
You would like to publish in our series?
Questions about a possible publication in the series "Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe | Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie" may be addressed to the editor.
Coming soon:
Vol. 11: Antonio Antonetti/Andrea Casalboni (Eds.), Il Regno di Sicilia e i suoi confini (XI–XV secolo). Gli spazi frontalieri nel Mezzogiorno medievale [in press].

Volume 10:
Arnold Esch/Ludwig Schmugge, Menschen in ihrer Gegenwart. Die Fülle spätmittelalterlichen Lebens im Spiegel der Apostolischen Pönitentiarie, Heidelberg 2024.
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Volume 9:
Francesco Panarelli/Kristjan Toomaspoeg/Georg Vogeler/Kordula Wolf (Eds.), Von Aachen bis Akkon. Grenzüberschreitungen im Mittelalter. Festschrift für Hubert Houben zum 70. Geburtstag, Heidelberg 2023.
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Volume 8:
Christian Alexander Neumann (Ed.), Old Age before Modernity. Case Studies and Methodological Perspectives, 500 BC–1700 AD, Heidelberg 2023.
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Volume 7:
Andrea Fara (Ed.), Italia ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo e Età moderna. Economia, Società, Cultura, Heidelberg 2022.
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Volume 6:
Roberto Fiorentini, Livio Odescalchi, nipote di papa Innocenzo XI. Interessi famigliari e strategie di ascesa nella stagione dell'antinepotismo, hg. von Marco Albertoni, Heidelberg 2022.
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Volume 5:
Lutz Klinkhammer/Clemens Zimmermann (Eds.), Cinema as a Political Media. Germany and Italy Compared, 1945–1950s, Heidelberg 2021.
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Volume 4:
Laura Pettinaroli/Massimiliano Valente (Eds.), Il cardinale Pietro Gasparri, segretario di Stato (1914–1930), Heidelberg 2020.
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Volume 3:
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi (Ed.), Le udienze di Mussolini durante la Repubblica Sociale Italiana (1943–1945). Da un progetto dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 2a edizione riveduta e ampliata, Heidelberg 2020.
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Volume 3:
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi (Ed.), Le udienze di Mussolini durante la Repubblica Sociale Italiana, 1943–1945. Da un progetto dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, Roma 2019. PDF Download

Volume 2:
Silvia Di Paolo, Verso la modernità giuridica della Chiesa. Giovanni Francesco Pavini (ca. 1424–1485): la stampa, le decisiones, le extravagantes e la disciplina amministrativa, Roma 2018. PDF Download

Volume 1:
Kleinere Schriften zur Rom-Forschung. Wolfgang Reinhard zum 80. Geburtstag am 10. April 2017, hg. für die "Italien-AG" von Birgit Emich in Zusammenarbeit mit Arne Karsten, Hillard von Thiessen und Günther Wassilowsky, Roma 2017. PDF Download