Repertorium Germanicum. List of people, churches and places of the German Kingdom mentioned in the various series of Vatican registers and in cameral sources
Editor: Dr. Thomas Hofmann
The "Repertorium Germanicum" is a collection of regesta which comprise the names of all German people, churches and places mentioned in the various series of Vatican registers and in cameral sources. It covers the German-speaking territories of the Holy Roman Empire, and chronologically the period between the Great Schism and the Reformation (1378–1517). The information is kept in a database, which can be consulted online, and published as printed book. From these largely unique Roman archive materials emerges the multiform framework of the late medieval church, its religious and canonical-juridical foundations, economic mechanisms, personal networks, territorial and dynastic references, as well as its political ambitions, spiritual profile and daily life. Volume 10 on Pope Sixtus IV, published in 2018, runs through till 1484. Meanwhile, work on the subsequent pontificate of Pope Innocent VIII (1484–1492) has reached the second half of the 1480s.
Dr. Thomas Hofmann
Researcher Middle Ages (Repertorium Germanicum), Scientific Consultant (Library), Editorial Staff (QFIAB)
+39 06 66049222