The Holy Spirit Hospital in Rome as the centre of a hospital system of European importance
Dr. Andreas Rehberg
The still active Hospital S. Spirito in Sassia was founded by Pope Innocent III around 1200. He entrusted the management of the project to Gui de Montpellier, who had already built up his own hospital community in his home country. Based on the documentation, found mainly in Roman State Archives and relatively consistent compared to the general state of sources on city life, this project shall develop some of the themes overlooked by research and will be published in a sequence of essays. The Hospital embodies a type of papal establishment, but calls for comparison with the other types of hospices in Rome – from the civic hospitals to the structures set up for foreigners (for example the Anima Hospice) – as well as the other charitable Orders that had their centres in St-Antoine-en-Viennois in France, S. Maria of Roncisvalles in Navarre or S. Giacomo di Altopascio near Lucca. By virtue of the "international" network of the Order of the Holy Ghost with hospitals from Sicily to England and from Spain to Hungary, many "foreigners" have been documented in the Roman motherhouse S. Spirito in Sassia. All in all, surprisingly few Order members were enough to hold together the often very long-knit nets of the Order's branches. However, centrifugal forces everywhere threatened the power of the Order's Preceptor, whose position, in contrast, was unchallenged in the hinterland (as shown by the micro study of the Order's hospice in Tarquinia, the medieval Corneto, about 70 km north of Rome). The studies conducted by the DHI on S. Spirito in Sassia seek to contribute to comparative religious research and to trace the multiple aspects of – not always unilateral – transfers of people and (technical) knowledge within the Order, even beyond cultural and linguistic barriers.In addition, an outlook on the general attractiveness of Rome and the monasteries of its surrounding area (Subiaco, Farfa) for the European religious clergy in the late Middle Ages, was given for the first time in 2006 – a topic likely to be developed into a new research focus in the coming years.
Dr. Andreas Rehberg
Researcher, Responsible for Late Middle Ages and the Institute's Archive, Editor of the series "Ricerche dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma"
+39 06 66049229
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