Stefan Esders/Massimiliano Bassetti/Wolfgang Haubrichs, Verwaltete Treue. Ein Verzeichnis vereidigter Personen aus dem Norden des regnum Italiae zur Zeit Ludwigs II.

The interdisciplinary study investigates a list (breve) recording the names of 174 sworn men, which was entered at the end of a legal manuscript that originated in northern Italy in the early 9th century and is kept today in the...
Massimiliano Valente (Ed.), A Vatican Atlantic Alliance. Pius XII and the Role of US Papal Diplomats in the Cold War

As a result of the cooperation between the Holy See and Washington in the containment of Communism and the work of charity and assistance, at the end of World War II several priests and bishops from the United States...
QFIAB 104 (2024)

The latest volume 104 of our journal "Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken" is now published and fully available in Open Access:...
Menschen in ihrer Gegenwart. Die Fülle spätmittelalterlichen Lebens im Spiegel der Apostolischen Pönitentiarie

This volume of selected essays by Arnold Esch and Ludwig Schmugge, the fruit of over thirty years of research, deals with sources from the archives of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Catholic Church's supreme tribunal of...
Alessandro Scarlatti. Das kompositorische Schaffen

Sicilian-born composer Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) worked mainly in Rome and Naples, with great success. His music was also appreciated in other parts of Italy, and Scarlatti's varied and extensive oeuvre had a formative...
Giovanni Pacini, Gli Arabi nelle Gallie

"The most prolific and perhaps the most imaginative of the Italian masters, the author of a hundred operas, who was, in the early stages of his career, Rossini's competitor; the tireless emulator of Bellini and Donizetti,...