Vera Grund, Vanessa Ascenzi (Director of the Museo del Teatro Argentina)
Meeting point: 15.00, in front of the Teatro Argentina (Rome, Largo di Torre Argentina 52)
Fee: as described on the museum's website.
Limited number of participants: 20
Please comunicate your binding registration by 20 November 2024 at the following email address: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it to whom any questions concerning the guided tour may also be addressed.
Guided tour in Italian language
26. January 2025 - 26. January 2035
MIDDLE AGES28. January 2025The Liber de Pomo from East to West. Some Reflections on the Transfer of the Risālat al-Tuffāḥa from the Islamic World to the European World and its Adaptation
Speaker: Imane-Hélène Chames-Eddine (Paris)
Discussant: Ioana Curut (Cluj-Napoca)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MUSIC HISTORY29. January 2025Heimatlied: Reflexionen zu Begriff und Reichweite
Christiane Wiesenfeldt (Universität Heidelberg)
Public lecture in the context of the conference "Perspektiven der Lied-Forschung".
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MUSIC HISTORY29. January 2025 - 31. January 2025Perspektiven der Lied-Forschung
Interdisciplinary workshop in cooperation with the University of Tübingen.
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY30. January 2025Book presentation
"E vi cerco ancora" by Fulvio Solms
Event with the author, organised by the Goethe-Institut Rom on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day. In collaboration with Biblioteca Europea, Fondazione Museo della Shoah, Minerva Edizioni and DHI Rome.
Auditorium Goethe-Institut Rom
Via Savoia 15, Rome19.00
Admission is free and is granted according to seating availability.
MODERN AGE05. February 2025Donne africane ridotte in schiavitù. Pratiche rituali e cultura materiale tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico (1500–1700)
Claudia Stella Valeria Geremia
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MUSIC HISTORY10. February 2025Musikwissenschaft und Historiographie. Populäre Musik im NS-Staat und die Paradigmen ihrer Wiederentdeckung
Nils Grosch (Universität Salzburg)
Event as part of the lecture series "Musica/Cultura/Storia". Further information and upcoming dates
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES18. February 2025Trade and Religious Boundaries in the Medieval Maghrib
Speaker: Joel Pattison (Williamstown MA)
Discussant: Maya Shatzmiller (London ON)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY19. February 2025 - 20. February 2025Pius XII. und die multiplen Migrationen der Nachkriegszeit
Conference of the Transnational Research Group "The Global Pontificate of Pius XII".
MIDDLE AGES17. March 2025 - 19. March 2025Deutsche Mediävistik. Grundlagenforschung in Italien vom 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert
Conference in cooperation with the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Villa Massimo.
Deutsche Akademie Rom Villa Massimo, Largo di Villa Massimo 1, Rome
Download flyer
MIDDLE AGES27. May 2025Masking Conflict with Harmony. The Mediterranean in the Islamic Cartographic Imagination
Speaker: Karen Pinto (Boulder CO)
Discussant: Houri Touati (Paris)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf