06. February 2025 - 07. February 2000
MUSIC HISTORY24. February 2020 - 26. February 2020Heinrich Alberts Arien und die europäische Liedkultur des 17. Jahrhunderts
Event of the Music History Department of the German Historical Institute in Rome and the University of Tübingen. Work meeting within the framework of the DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 2130 "Übersetzungskulturen der Frühen Neuzeit" (Teilprojekt: Liedkultur des 17. Jahrhunderts als Übersetzungskultur).
Contact: Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort
German Historical Institute in Rome
Download Programme (PDF, 1 MB), Poster (PDF, 1,9 MB)
For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.
MUSIC HISTORY12. February 2020Richard Erkens
Oper ohne Impresario? Künstlerkollektive im Venedig der 1750er Jahre.
German Historical Institute in Rome
MUSIC HISTORY12. December 2019Deborah Howard (University of Cambridge)
Voices from Heaven. Singing from on High in Venetian Churches in the Cinquecento.
Keynote Lecture in the context of the conference "Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period".
German Historical Institute in Rome
For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.
MUSIC HISTORY11. December 2019Lecture-Concert
In the context of the conference "Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period".
Florian Bassani (Bern) | Christian Rohrbach (Mainz)
La musica policorale a Roma nella prima età moderna
Barock Vokal – College for Ancient Music at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz
Musica vespertina a doppio coro del primo Seicento romano: Francesco Severi, Domenico e Virgilio Mazzocchi
Rome, Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova)
MUSIC HISTORY11. December 2019 - 14. December 2019Music, Performance, Architecture. Sacred Spaces as Sound Spaces in the Early Modern Period
International conference of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in collaboration with the Music History Department of the German Historical Institute in Rome.
Contact: Markus Engelhardt, Klaus Pietschmann, Tobias C. Weißmann
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, German Historical Institute in Rome, Palazzo Apostolico, Santa Maria in Vallicella
Download Programme (PDF, 569 Kb), Poster (PDF, 572 Kb)
For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.
MUSIC HISTORY29. October 2019Silvio Relandini (Rome)
'Digital turn': Le nuove tecnologie e la trasformazione della cultura musicale III: La musica applicata alle immagini e al videogame
In collaboration with the Istituto Italiano per le Tecnologie Musicali (IITM) and the Music History Departments of the roman Universities La Sapienza, Tor Vergata and Roma Tre.
Workshop in italian language.
Further information (italian)/(german)
German Historical Institute in Rome
For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.
MUSIC HISTORY19. October 2019Musik- und Künstlerleben 'around the Spanish steps' (18.–19. Jahrhundert)
Dr. Markus Engelhardt
Meeting point: 10:00, Piazza del Popolo (Obelisco Flaminio)
Limited number of participants: 30
Please wear comfortable shoes.
Please comunicate your binding registration by 14 October 2019 at the following email address: neumann[at]dhi-roma.it.
If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Markus Engelhardt: engelhardt[at]dhi-roma.it.Guided tour in German language
MUSIC HISTORY16. October 2019Nastasia Sophie Tietze
Politische Inszenierung und inszenierte Politik. Die Bühnenwerke Marco Marazzolis im Kontext des Seicento.
German Historical Institute in Rome
Further information (PDF, 100 Kb)
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY07. October 2019The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
Projection of the silent film by Rupert Julian, with live musical accompaniment by the musicians Roberto Durante and Vittorio Demarin.
Introduction in Italian language: Dr. Richard Erkens (DHI Rom)
German Historical Institute in Rome
Download Invitation (PDF, 157 Kb)
For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY09. September 2019 - 16. September 2019Roman Studies Course 2019 – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history
German Historical Institute in Rome