06. February 2025 - 07. February 2000
MODERN AGE25. March 2020Book presentation
Nadine Amsler/Andreea Badea/Bernard Heyberger/Christian Windler (Eds.), Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization (London: Routledge 2020).
Maria Antonietta Visceglia (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Commented by:
Elisabetta Corsi (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Vincenzo Lavenia (ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna)
The editors will be present.
The event is cancelled!
German Historical Institute in Rome
Download Invitation (PDF, 253 KB)
MODERN AGE15. January 2020Carlo Taviani
Mercanti di cose e persone: Capitali e reti economiche genovesi tra Maghreb, Africa occidentale e Nuovo Mondo (1450–1530).
German Historical Institute in Rome
MODERN AGE05. December 2019L'Italia come fulcro della politica di Massimiliano I e Carlo V
Double Presentation
Tobias Daniels (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Maria Antonietta Visceglia (Sapienza Università di Roma)Followed by a lute concert with music from the Time of Maximilian I.
Organised by the Austrian Historical Institute and the German Historical Institute in Rome.
Austrian Historical Institute in Rome
Further information
Registration is required by 20 November 2019 at the following email address: iannuzzi[at]oehirom.it
MODERN AGE20. November 2019Markus Laufs
Gefangen zwischen Präliminarien und gutem Willen? Päpstliche und
niederländische Friedensvermittlung auf den Kongressen von Münster
(1643–1649) und Nijmegen (1676–1679) im Vergleich.
German Historical Institute in Rome
MODERN AGE15. November 2019La Galleria Spada
Dr. Riccarda Suitner
Meeting point: 9.45, Piazza Capodiferro, 13 (in front of the main entrance of the museum)
Fee: 5,- Euro, 2,50 Euro (reduced), free of charge for the owners of the "Tessera di libero ingresso nei monumenti, musei, gallerie e scavi di antichità"
Limited number of participants: 15
Please comunicate your binding registration by 7 November 2019 at the following email address: suitner[at]dhi-roma.it.Guided tour in Italian language
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY14. October 2019Internal Seminar of the Researchers of the DHI Rome
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE28. September 2019Palazzo Cesi Armellini. Die spannende Geschichte eines Palastes im Schatten von St. Peter
Dr. Andreas Rehberg and Pater Michael Overmann SDS
Meeting point: 10.00, Via della Conciliazione, 51
Fee: 8,- Euro (voluntary donation)
Limited number of participants: 25
The presence of some steps requires adequate autonomy of movement.
Please comunicate your binding registration by 26 September 2019 at the following email address: neumann[at]dhi-roma.it.
If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Andreas Rehberg: rehberg[at]dhi-roma.it.Guided tour in German language
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY09. September 2019 - 16. September 2019Roman Studies Course 2019 – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history
German Historical Institute in Rome
MODERN AGE, MIDDLE AGES08. May 2019Carlo Taviani
Capitali ai confini. Gli investimenti dei mercanti genovesi tra Africa e Nuovo Mondo (1450–1530 circa).
German Historical Institute in Rome
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY01. April 2019 - 07. April 2019Ge-Schichten-Buch Neapel
Study course of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and the German Historical Institute in Rome.