13. October 2024 - 14. October 2000
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY01. December 2022 - 02. December 2022Warfare and Welfare in Europe: Transnational Perspectives on Social, Military, and Religious Actors from One World War to Another, 1914–1950
Internal workshop of the International Research Group The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945–1958.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY17. November 2022 - 19. November 2022Roma (a)cattolica. Pluralisation of Religion in Rome between the End of the Papal State and the Beginning of Fascism (1870–1922)
International Conference in Rome.
Facoltà Valdese di Teologia (Aula magna), Via Pietro Cossa, 42 - 00193 Rome
Conference languages: English, Italian
Contact: Martin Wallraff (LMU München), e-mail martin.wallraff[at]lmu[dot]de
Download programme (PDF, 1,6 KB)
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY10. November 2022 - 12. November 2022Totalitarismo. Usi e abusi di una categoria controversa
Annual Conference of the SISCALT (Società Italiana per la Storia Contemporanea dell'Area di Lingua Tedesca) in collaboration with the Associazione per la storia e le memorie della Repubblica, the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici di Roma and the German Historical Institute in Rome.
Villa Sciarra – Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici di Roma (Via Calandrelli, 25)
Download Programme (PDF)
Contact: siscalt.info[at]gmail[dot]com, ass.storiamemorie[at]alice[dot]it
To register, please complete the online form on the SISCALT website.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY19. October 2022Moritz Schmeing
Juden in der faschistischen Partei Italiens. Eine Annäherung.
German Historical Institute in Rome
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY14. October 2022Un luogo della memoria tedesco a Roma. Il Museo storico della Liberazione
PD Dr. Lutz Klinkhammer
Meeting point: 16.00, Via Tasso 145 (directly in front of the museum)
Fee: none
Limited number of participants: 15
Please comunicate your binding registration by 10 October 2022 at the following email address: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it to whom any questions concerning the guided tour may also be addressed.Guided tour in Italian language
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY10. October 2022 - 15. October 2022Rom-Bilder
Joint studies course of the German Archaeological Institute, Rome Department, the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, and the German Historical Institute in Rome.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY26. September 2022Europa im Widerstand – Widerstand gegen Europa
Event of the Max Weber Foundation and the research group "(De)Constructing Europe – EU-Scepticism in European Integration History". In this joint project, the German Historical Institutes in Rome, London and Warsaw work together with the Hamburg Institute for Social Research on questions of European integration.
Event languages: English, German
Futurium, Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin
Download Programme
Please register by 23 September 2022 by e-mail: veranstaltungen[at]maxweberstiftung[dot]de. Indicate whether you would like to attend the entire programme, only the MWS-Europe-Lab or the panel discussion. Admission is free.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY14. September 2022Ilyas Azouzi
Impero and Razza. Urbanistica coloniale and the Rhetoric of Racial Segregationism in Fascist Italy.
German Historical Institute in Rome
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY04. September 2022 - 11. September 2022Roman Studies Course – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history
German Historical Institute in Rome
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY04. September 2022 - 11. September 2022Roman Studies Course – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history
German Historical Institute in Rome