23. January 2025 - 24. January 2000
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY19. January 2024Filmpalast Deutschland. Sieben Kinobegegnungen mit der deutschen Zeitgeschichte
Topic: Fall of the Berlin Wall
Director: Andreas Dresen
Germany 1992, 98 min.
Introduction by Francesco Bono (Professor for Film History, Università di Perugia)18.30
Goethe-Institut (Via Savoia, 15 - Rome)
Free admission, as long as seats are available.
Information and reservation: eventi-roma[at]goethe[dot]de
As part of the film festival, which traces the most important stages of contemporary German history with seven films by well-known directors from the respective epoch. Each film will be introduced by an expert.
The organisers are the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Goethe-Institut Rome and the Museum Casa di Goethe.
The films will be shown in the original German language with Italian subtitles, the discussion will be in Italian.
Complete programme Filmpalast Deutschland (13 October 2023 to 19 January 2024) -
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY15. December 2023Filmpalast Deutschland. Sieben Kinobegegnungen mit der deutschen Zeitgeschichte
Topic: Cold War – West Germany
Director: Margarethe von Trotta
West Germany 1981, 107 min.
Introduction by Matteo Galli (Professor for German Literature, Università di Firenze)18.30
Goethe-Institut (Via Savoia, 15 - Rome)
Free admission, as long as seats are available.
Information and reservation: eventi-roma[at]goethe[dot]de
As part of the film festival, which traces the most important stages of contemporary German history with seven films by well-known directors from the respective epoch. Each film will be introduced by an expert.
The organisers are the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Goethe-Institut Rome and the Museum Casa di Goethe.
The films will be shown in the original German language with Italian subtitles, the discussion will be in Italian.
Complete programme Filmpalast Deutschland (13 October 2023 to 19 January 2024) -
MODERN AGE13. December 2023Benedetta Chizzolini
"Curarli, assisterli e custodirli". Pratiche di vigilanza (medica) a bordo delle galere italiane (XVI–XVIII secolo).
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES11. December 2023Carrie Beneš
Immaginare "La Sfera". Mercanti, Mappe e Manoscritti nell'Italia del Primo Quattrocento.
4.00–6.00 p.m.
John Cabot University (Via della Lungara 233)
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY01. December 2023Filmpalast Deutschland. Sieben Kinobegegnungen mit der deutschen Zeitgeschichte
Topic: Cold War – GDR
Director: Frank Beyer
GDR 1966, 139 min.
Introduction by Ute Weidenhiller (Professor of German Literature, Università di Roma Tor Vergata)18.30
Casa di Goethe (Via del Corso, 18 - Rome)
Free admission, as long as seats are available.
Information and reservation: info[at]casadigoethe[dot]it
As part of the film festival, which traces the most important stages of contemporary German history with seven films by well-known directors from the respective epoch. Each film will be introduced by an expert.
The organisers are the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Goethe-Institut Rome and the Museum Casa di Goethe.
The films will be shown in the original German language with Italian subtitles, the discussion will be in Italian.
Complete programme Filmpalast Deutschland (13 October 2023 to 19 January 2024) -
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY27. November 2023Are the Eurosceptics taking over? Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges facing the EU
Andrea Carlo Martinez, Moderation (DHI Rome-LMU Munich)
Andrea Mammone (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Raffaele Mastrorocco (European University Institute)
German Historical Institute in Rome
Download programme (PDF, 452 KB)
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MODERN AGE22. November 2023Elisabeth Lobenwein
Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Informationen zwischen Konstantinopel, Wien, Venedig und Rom (1664–1684).
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES21. November 2023Trading Mentalities. Curiosity and Identity Formation in Urban Environments, c. 1350–1500
Speaker: Franz-Julius Morche (Basel)
Discussant: Sabrina Corbellini (Groningen)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
5.00–6.00 p.m.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and informationen on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MODERN AGE20. November 2023 - 21. November 2023Graceful 17: Didactic module Digital Humanities
Internal workshop of the research project Graceful 17. Gouvernance mondiale, dynamiques locales. Régimes transnationaux de grâce dans la Daterie apostolique romaine au XVIIe siècle.
German Historical Institute in Rome
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY17. November 2023Filmpalast Deutschland. Sieben Kinobegegnungen mit der deutschen Zeitgeschichte
Topic: Post-war period
Director: Wolfgang Staudte
Germany 1946, 85 min.
Introduction by Giovanni Spagnoletti (Professor of Film History, Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici (Via Calandrelli, 25 - Rome)
Free admission, as long as seats are available.
Information and reservation: kuck[at]studigermanici[dot]it
As part of the film festival, which traces the most important stages of contemporary German history with seven films by well-known directors from the respective epoch. Each film will be introduced by an expert.
The organisers are the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Goethe-Institut Rome and the Museum Casa di Goethe.
The films will be shown in the original German language with Italian subtitles, the discussion will be in Italian.
Complete programme Filmpalast Deutschland (13 October 2023 to 19 January 2024)