06. February 2025 - 07. February 2000
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE29. November 2021 - 30. November 2021Neue Tendenzen der Italienforschung zu Mittelalter und Renaissance
Workshop for PhD students and post-docs, in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, the Kunsthistorisches Institut Florence and the universities Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hamburg und Kassel.
Rome (Bibliotheca Hertziana), online
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvduGhqTssHdMoMLppzBJA7yydVKZe9yL
Download Programme (PDF, 1,9 MB), conference report
https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-9309Deadline for applications: 2 August 2021, Call for Papers
Organisation: Ingrid Baumgärtner, Christoph Dartmann, Klaus Herbers, Tanja Michalsky, Alessandro Nova, Gerhard Wolf, Kordula Wolf
MIDDLE AGES23. November 2021Crusader Relics Re-shaping Monastic Identity. The Latin East, the Abbey of Cluny and the Lost Finger of Saint Stephen
Miriam Rita Tessera (Milano), Discussant: Christopher M. Gerrard (Durham)
Event within the framework of the first seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and informationen on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MIDDLE AGES22. November 2021Jesús Lorenzo
L'arabizzazione degli elementi autoctoni in al-Andalus. Resistenza e assimilazione.
Chair: María de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo -
MIDDLE AGES17. November 2021Antonio Musarra
I registri di bordo dell'Archivio di Stato di Genova. Una fonte per la storia marittima e navale del Mediterraneo medievale (1340–1460 ca.).
For registration please send an e-mail to info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
The deadline for registration is 16 November 2021. -
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE11. November 2021 - 13. November 2021Herrscher in der Metropole. Spannungsfelder zwischen politischer Zentralität und urbaner Diversität in der Vormoderne
International Annual Conference of the Medieval Research Centre "Forum Mittelalter" of the University of Regensburg in cooperation with the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2337 "Metropolität in der Vormoderne" and the German Historical Institute in Rome.
Download programme (PDF, 718 KB)
The conference will take place in presence. Please register by 3 November 2021 at: susanne.ehrich[at]ur.de.
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY25. October 2021 - 26. October 2021Internal Seminar of the Researchers of the DHI Rome
MIDDLE AGES18. October 2021Christian Grasso
Predicare e governare. L'exemplum di papa Innocenzo III.
Chair: Cécile CabyLivestream and inhouse
École française de Rome (Piazza Navona 62) or https://reunion.efrome.it/b/sec-an7-wln-inf
MIDDLE AGES, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY01. October 2021Faschismus und Heraldik – Eine Spurensuche zur visuellen Propaganda in Mussolinis Rom
Dr. Andreas Rehberg
Meeting point: 10.00, Fontanella delle Tre Tiare at the beginning of Via di Porta Angelica (on the right colonnades)
Fee: none
Note: please bring a protective mask.
Limited number of participants: 20
Please comunicate your binding registration by 28 September 2021 at fiorini[at]dhi-roma.it. Questions about the tour can also be addressed to the e-mail address provided.Guided tour in German language
MIDDLE AGES28. September 2021From Convivencia to Entanglement. Interpreting Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Retellings of the Hebrew Bible in Medieval Iberia
David Wacks (Eugene), Discussant: Matthias M. Tischler (Barcelona)
Event within the framework of the first seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY05. September 2021 - 14. September 2021Roman Studies Course – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history
German Historical Institute in Rome