07. February 2025 - 08. February 2000
MODERN AGE10. May 2021Early Modern Antitrinitarianism and Italian Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Livestream, Languages: English and Italian
For registration please send an e-mail to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 7 May 2021.13.15–20.00
Download programme (PDF, 3 MB)
Contact: Riccarda Suitner
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, MUSIC HISTORY03. May 2021Internal Seminar of the Researchers of the DHI Rome
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE28. April 2021Arnold Esch for his 85th birthday – Uomini, merci e scambi culturali nella Roma del primo Rinascimento
Martin Baumeister
– Luciano Palermo (Università della Tuscia)
Alle origini del mercato romano rinascimentale
– Tobias Daniels (Universität Zürich)
Una nuova fonte notarile per la Roma di Martino V
Livestream, event in italian language
Download Invitation (PDF, 812 KB)
For registration please send an e-mail to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 26 April 2021. -
MODERN AGE14. April 2021Radu Mustata
From Thomas Stapleton to the Hands of the Syrian Fathers: the Making and Reception of a Syriac Catholic Sermonary in Early Modern Malabar.
For registration please send an e-mail to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 13 April 2021. -
MODERN AGE25. February 2021Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau (Universität Erfurt)
Konfigurationen europäischer Messen. Händler, Objekte, Wege.
Moderation: Riccarda Suitner
For registration please send an email to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 24 February 2021. -
MODERN AGE14. December 2020Prof. Marta Albalá Pelegrín (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
Theater of Conquest. Performing Iberian Expansion into Africa and Asia (1490–1520).
Moderation: Carlo Taviani
For registration please send an email to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 11 December 2020. -
MODERN AGE09. December 2020Prof. Adelisa Malena (Università di Venezia Ca' Foscari)
"Benché le hipotesi nostre siano differenti". Speranze, progetti e reti interconfessionali in Europa fra Sei e Settecento.
Moderation: Riccarda Suitner
For registration please send an email to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 7 December 2020. -
MODERN AGE, MIDDLE AGES05. November 2020Capitalism in Motion. Imagining, Transforming, and Inventing Economic Forms over Time
Online panel discussion within the context of "Geisteswissenschaft im Dialog" – a series of events of the Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad. The event is part of the Berlin Science Week.
Idea and concept: Carlo Taviani
Livestream: Youtube channel of the Max Weber Foundation
MIDDLE AGES, MODERN AGE, CONTEMPORARY HISTORY18. September 2020Dalla Roma repubblicana alla Breccia di Porta Pia: storia del Rione Sallustiano
Dr. Riccarda Suitner
Meeting point: 17.00, Street corner via Piave/via Sulpicio Massimo
Fee: none
Limited number of participants: 10
We will walk through the Sallustiano district and trace its history, which covers all the historical and urbanistic periods of the city of Rome: from the ancient Horti Sallustiani to the 20th century with the Breccia di Porta Pia (The Breach of Porta Pia). We will also encounter the early modern period and the architecture of the period after the Italian unification.
Please comunicate your binding registration by 11 September 2020 at the following email address: suitner[at]dhi-roma.it.
If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Riccarda Suitner.Guided tour in Italian language
MODERN AGE17. June 2020Heinrich Lang
Die Anfänge der toskanischen Buchführung im 13./14. Jahrhundert: vermögende Familien.
The number of participants is limited. A discussion after the lecture is possible.
For registration please send an email to info-event(at)dhi-roma(dot)it.
The deadline for registration is 15 June 2020.