22. December 2024 - 22. December 2034
Narrativität und Intertextualität in der italienischen Filmmusik der Nachkriegszeit
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES28. January 2025The Liber de Pomo from East to West. Some Reflections on the Transfer of the Risālat al-Tuffāḥa from the Islamic World to the European World and its Adaptation
Speaker: Imane-Hélène Chames-Eddine (Paris)
Discussant: Ioana Curut (Cluj-Napoca)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MODERN AGE05. February 2025Claudia Stella Valeria Geremia
Donne africane ridotte in schiavitù. Pratiche rituali e cultura materiale tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico (1500–1700)
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MUSIC HISTORY10. February 2025Musikwissenschaft und Historiographie. Populäre Musik im NS-Staat und die Paradigmen ihrer Wiederentdeckung
Nils Grosch (Universität Salzburg)
Event as part of the lecture series "Musica/Cultura/Storia". Further information and upcoming dates
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MIDDLE AGES18. February 2025Trade and Religious Boundaries in the Medieval Maghrib
Speaker: Joel Pattison (Williamstown MA)
Discussant: Maya Shatzmiller (London ON)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf
MIDDLE AGES27. May 2025Masking Conflict with Harmony. The Mediterranean in the Islamic Cartographic Imagination
Speaker: Karen Pinto (Boulder CO)
Discussant: Houri Touati (Paris)Event within the framework of the seminar series "Euro-Mediterranean Entanglements in Medieval History", organised by the German Historical Institutes in Paris and Rome.
Flyer, complete program of the seminar series and general information on the event format
Contact: Amélie Sagasser, Kordula Wolf