
22. September 2024 - 23. September 2000

09. October 2019
Prof. Dr. Markus Friedrich (Universität Hamburg)

Between History and Politics. Modernity, the State and a Global History of Archiving.

Keynote Lecture in the context of the conference Collecting, Classifying, (Re)presenting: Archives, Museums, Textbooks and the Politics of the Past.

German Historical Institute in Rome


For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

09. October 2019 - 11. October 2019
Collecting, Classifying, (Re)presenting: Archives, Museums, Textbooks and the Politics of the Past

International conference in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in London (DHI London/India Branch Office) and the International Centre of Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS: MP).

German Historical Institute in Rome

Download Programme (PDF, 178 Kb)

For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

07. October 2019
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Projection of the silent film by Rupert Julian, with live musical accompaniment by the musicians Roberto Durante and Vittorio Demarin.
Introduction in Italian language: Dr. Richard Erkens (DHI Rom)

German Historical Institute in Rome


Download Invitation (PDF, 157 Kb)

For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

04. October 2019
Prof. Dr. Ernst Osterkamp (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Felix Dahn oder Der Professor als Held.

An event of the Friends of the DHI Association in cooperation with the Institute.

German Historical Institute in Rome


Download Invitation (PDF, 78 KB)

For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

02. October 2019
Alessio Russo

Federico d'Aragona (1451–1504): la biografia di un principe, lo specchio di una dinastia.
Presiede: Francesco Senatore

Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (Via di S. Eufemia, 13)


28. September 2019
Palazzo Cesi Armellini. Die spannende Geschichte eines Palastes im Schatten von St. Peter

Dr. Andreas Rehberg and Pater Michael Overmann SDS

Meeting point: 10.00, Via della Conciliazione, 51

Fee: 8,- Euro (voluntary donation)

Limited number of participants: 25
The presence of some steps requires adequate autonomy of movement.

Please comunicate your binding registration by 26 September 2019 at the following email address: neumann[at]dhi-roma.it.
If you have any questions, you may contact directly Dr. Andreas Rehberg: rehberg[at]dhi-roma.it.

Guided tour in German language

25. September 2019 - 26. September 2019
Carlo IV e l'Italia

International Conference of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany), the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) and the Università degli Studi di Pavia in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Rome and the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo.

With the support of the Università degli Studi di Pavia and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR): "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza Program (2018–2022)".

Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo (Piazza dell'Orologio 4, Rom), German Historical Institute in Rome


For any issues with registration please contact: +39 06 6604921. Visitors to the German Historical Institute are requested to show proof of identity on entering. Entry with luggage or backpacks larger than 40x35x15 cm is not permitted. There are no lockers nor a supervised cloakroom available in the building.

Registration is required

11. September 2019
Giulia Quaggio

Images of Fear. Visuals in Grassroots Groups against the Nuclear Arms Race in Spain and Italy (1979–1987).

German Historical Institute in Rome


09. September 2019 - 16. September 2019
Roman Studies Course 2019 – Studies Course of the DHI Rome for advanced students and doctoral candidates in history and music history

German Historical Institute in Rome

Further information

20. June 2019 - 22. June 2019
Legitimiert, verherrlicht, stigmatisiert: Gewalt in Deutschland und Italien im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

20th Conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Neueste Geschichte Italiens in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Rome

Villa Lessing, Saarbrücken
