Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (QFIAB)

The yearbook covers research topics pertaining to the history of Italy and Italian music as well as the relationship between Germany and Italy in a transregional and transnational context from the Early Middle Ages to the present. It contains peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, research and conference reports, preferably in German and Italian, occasionally also in English. The "Forum" section publishes essays discussing current questions of historical research. Authors of historiographical works related to the research fields covered by the yearbook and their publishing houses are invited to send a copy to review to the editorial staff. Authors of historiographical works related to the research fields covered by the yearbook and their publishing houses are invited to send a copy to review to the editorial staff.

Advices for articles to be submitted
Deadline for volume 105 (2025): January 2025.
Length: maximum 100 000 characters (including spaces)
Editorial standards (italian version)

Susanne Wesely wesely[at]dhi-roma.it

Editorial Board
Directors and all researchers of the DHI Rome

You would like to publish in our yearbook?
Questions about a possible publication in the yearbook "Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken" may be addressed to the editor. Published contributions are original, respect the high scientific standards observed at an international level and comply with the rules of copyright.

Code of Conduct (pdf, 93 KB)

Open access
Starting from volume 38 (1958), the journal is freely available on the Max Weber Stiftung online platform perspectivia.net. For the duration of the one-year embargo period, the annual report, the reviews and the sections "Forum", "Tagungen" and "Nachrufe" are accessible on the website of the DHI Rome: download.

Further information
Volumes 1–17, published by Loescher (Rome); volumes 18–33 published by Regenberg (Rome); from volume 34 the journal has been released by Max Niemeyer Verlag (Tübingen), now De Gruyter (Berlin-Boston). From volume 88, all volumes can be bought from the publisher De Gruyter; previous volumes are available for purchase only from Schmidt Periodicals (Bad Feilnbach) and also from Ellediemme (Rome) in Italy.

List of all published volumes 


Register zu den Bänden 1–75 (1898–1995), bearb. von Helen Meyer-Zimmermann, Tübingen: Niemeyer 1997 (VIII, 437 pp.). [available]

Register zu den Bänden 1–50 (1898–1971), bearb. von Brigitte Szabó-Bechstein, Tübingen: Niemeyer 1973 (148 pp.). Online

Special Editions taken from the journal

(all published by Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen; not available for sale, except where otherwise specified)

Vol. 71: Das Repertorium Germanicum. EDV-gestützte Auswertung vatikanischer Quellen: neue Forschungsperspektiven. Beiträge von Arnold Esch, Brigide Schwarz, Andreas Meyer, Erich Meuthen, Hubert Höing und Dieter Brosius. Special issue from: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 71 (1991), pp. 241–339.

Vol. 53: Nuntiaturberichte und Nuntiaturforschung. Kritische Bestandsaufnahme u. neue Perspektiven. Beiträge von Heinrich Lutz, Gerhard Müller et al., Tübingen 1976 (pp. VII–XIII, 152–275, XV–XXIV).

Vol. 50/52: Lill, Rudolf: Die Wende im Kulturkampf. Leo XIII., Bismarck und die Zentrumspartei 1878–1880, Tübingen 1973 (XX pp., pp. 228–282, 658–729). [unavailable]

Vol. 51: Diener, Hermann: Die grossen Registerserien im Vatikanischen Archiv (1378–1523). Hinweise und Hilfsmittel zu ihrer Benutzung und Auswertung, Tübingen 1972 (68 pp., ill.).

Vol. 42/43: Marinus von Eboli "Super revocatoriis" und "De confirmationibus". 2 Abhandlungen des Vizekanzlers Innocenz' IV. über das päpstliche Urkundenwesen. Von Peter Herde, Tübingen 1964 (150 pp.). [unavailable]

Vol. 39/40: Goetz, Helmut: I membri francesi del governo provvisorio della repubblica napoletana del 1799. Con appendice di documenti, Tübingen 1960 (VIII, 120 pp.).

Vol. 37/38: Holtzmann, Walther: Kanonistische Ergänzungen zur Italia Pontificia, Tübingen 1959 (157 S.). [unavailable]