18. September 2024 - 19. September 2000
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY21. June 2024Laboratorio Italia. Fare ricerca storica all'estero
Round table discussion.
Scuola Germanica Roma, Aula Magna (Via Aurelia Antica, 397)
Please register for in-person attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY20. June 2024 - 21. June 2024Blicke auf den 'Süden'. Mental Maps, Deutungsmuster und Verflechtungen
Symposium of the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, the Research Centre Global Dynamics Leipzig and the Fondazione Marco Besso.
Rome, Fondazione Marco Besso (Largo di Torre Argentina, 11)
Download programme (655 Kb)
Please register for in-person attendance:
For 20 June
For 21 June -
MUSIC HISTORY12. June 2024Dörthe Günther
"Il Concerto degli stromenti antichi ebbe un successo enorme per la scienza musicale, e soporifero per il pubblico." (Ausstellungs)konzerte, Wissenschaft und Diplomatie auf der Esposizione internazionale di Musica 1888 in Bologna.
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
MUSIC HISTORY10. June 2024Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550−1860: dal progetto di ricerca al libro
Simone Caputo/Franco Piperno/Emanuele Senici (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Event as part of the lecture series "Musica/Cultura/Storia". Further information and upcoming dates
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY04. June 2024 - 05. June 2024Un laboratorio politico: Roma, la Santa Sede e l'Italia (1943–1944)
International conference of the LUMSA Università, the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche and the italian army.
Università LUMSA, Aula Giubileo (Rome, via di Porta Castello, 44)
MIDDLE AGES28. May 2024Caterina Cappuccio
Oltre la crisi. L'Impero tardo medievale nella storiografia italiana e tedesca.
Chair and introduction: Dario Internullo
Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC) (Via di Sant'Eufemia 13)
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY22. May 2024Nicola Camilleri
Il colonialismo italiano in una famiglia: due biografie.
German Historical Institute in Rome
Please register for in-person or online attendance
For any issues with registration please contact: info-event[at]dhi-roma[dot]it.
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY07. May 2024Capire la Germania
Seminar in collaboration with the Università degli Studi di Perugia (Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche).
Università di Perugia, Aula 1, Via Pascoli
Download programme (PDF, 185 Kb)
CONTEMPORARY HISTORY03. May 2024 - 04. May 2024Connecting Catholics in a Divided World: The Vatican and the Local Roman and Greek Catholic Church in Eastern Europe as an Intermediary in the Cold War (1945–1978)
International conference within the framework of the project The Global Pontificate of Pius XII. Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945–1958 of the Transnational Research Group funded by the Max Weber Foundation.
MIDDLE AGES24. April 2024Guilhem Dorandeu
Pratiche e discorsi dell'instaurazione del potere normanno nel principato di Capua (1058–1135).
Chair and introduction: Sandro Carocci
École française de Rome (Piazza Navona, 62)